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Benefits of Yoga Teacher Training in India

Akshara Yoga School presents some of the reasons for why Yoga Teacher Training in India will be a wise decision.


India has a rich culture, tradition and history of Yoga and spirituality. India will continue to be the leading destination for generations to come for offering the invaluable gift to humanity i.e. Yoga. India has the largest repositories of spiritual practices, knowledge and skills for personal growth and enrichment.

New Paradigm:

Yoga comes with the tag of holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Holistic approach to health and wellbeing envisages harmony between man and nature, body and mind, thought and action, renunciation and enjoyment. This Holistic vision is a paradigm shift from the matter-based world-view of separate parts and components to the world view of undivided wholeness. With India’s ancient lore of unity in diversity, none other than in India this new concept of wellbeing can be better appreciated.


Yoga teacher training in India is far more economical than undergoing a similar duration residential course in Europe or US. Furthermore there is no comparison in terms of better experience and in-depth learning that one receives in India for Yoga than in any other part of the world.

Yoga and Allied Sciences:

All ancient Indian sciences are rooted in Vedas. Therefore every Indian body of knowledge including Yoga has a common basis of spirituality attached to them. In India, while learning Yoga one can easily expose oneself to the allied fields of knowledge like Ayurveda or other philosophies like Vedanta founded on spirituality. 

Many Paths, but United with Goal:

Yoga refers to an inner science comprising of a variety of methods through which human beings can achieve union between the body and mind to attain self-realization. Yoga works on the level of one’s will, intellect and emotion. This has given rise to four broad classification of Yoga i.e. Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga. Each system of Yoga we practice falls within the gamut of one or more of three inner faculties and all works for the integration of personality. By learning Yoga in India one has full opportunity to have complete and coherent understanding of Yoga. 

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Healthy Lifestyle that Yoga Promises

Healthy Lifestyle that Yoga Promises

Yoga teacher training
Meditation Pose Yoga Asana


Awareness is one of the key components of yoga practice. In fact, it is awareness only which gives yoga a special place among various forms of healthy lifestyle, exercise or fitness regimes. Awareness in Yoga simply means keeping track of body movements, breath, sensations and various changes that occur in body and mind while practicing Yoga which includes kriya, asana, pranayam, etc.

When we bring awareness we bring the component of mind into action. This makes yoga work on the entire personality rather than on parts or sections of one’s physicality as seen in other forms of exercise. According to Yoga, mind is all pervasive and not dependent on brain (physical part) for its existence. Mind exists independent of physical body and encompasses it all.
Akshara Yoga School's Professor on Yoga Day 2016 on International Platform

Using Awareness

The ancient Indian Yoga practice uses awareness as its tool to help settle the mind into its tranquil states. When the individual mind is clear of disturbances it regains its own serene nature and achieves harmony with the cosmic mind.  The clear mind, traversing the entire body, infuses the very basic unit of life i.e. cell with vitality and bliss. Each cell and tissue functions in harmony and exhibit orderliness when surrounded by an unperturbed mind. When billions of recharged cells work in coherence, their collective entity which we call as physical body experiences an entirely different level of health outcomes.

A simple component of awareness can easily lead to a quantum surge in healthy feeling through yoga. Therefore, the yogic way of well-being starts by acknowledging the subtler dimensions of our personality which wield powerful effect on the grosser aspect i.e. body. We can say Yoga is all about nurturing the inner dimensions of personality for apparent manifestation of health in its different facets of physical, social and spiritual well-being. Anyone can achieve this state of perfect health simply by introducing the correct method of Yoga practice in one’s daily schedule.  
Healthy Yoga
Best Yoga Pose in rising sun
Learn more about Yoga click here

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Yoga in India and health

Yoga in India and health

Best yoga School (Healthy Yoga)
Yoga in India and Health (Healthy Yoga)

Yoga is a spiritual discipline which aims for integrating the personality from lowest to the highest levels of one’s existence. From microcosm to macrocosm, from atomic to cosmic there is a sense of oneness, depicting the uniform flow of awareness. At the more apparent level yoga integrates body and mind towards an optimized life functioning.


Learning yoga in India is a unique opportunity to understand the nuances of yoga to bring out the magnificence of life. The principles of yoga are deeply rooted in Indian culture which governs the life towards creating harmony, balance, peace and nourishment in one’s own surroundings. Thus, yoga becomes a way of life which promotes conscious and not compulsive life which directly affects one’s health and well-being levels.
healthy yoga
Best Yoga School in India

Best of life

Yoga achieves this conscious living by bringing one’s awareness first to the grossest level of one’s personality i.e. body. As we begin to feel our body, yoga systematically elevates our awareness towards the finer aspects of personality like prana (vital energy) and mind. These finer aspects can be traced beyond the confines of our physical body into the outside world to give us a sense of continuity and oneness. Since everything in the universe from gross to subtle is a single continuous mass of matter, the distinctions are narrowed. What once existed in pieces and functioned in compartments, now manifests and functions as one. Yoga defines this state as samatva or evenness. At body level this samatva can be experienced as homeostasis.

Homeostasis is a state of balance within the internal environment of body, which ensures stability. Homeostasis is necessary for survival and in its absence instability and disease ensues. Thus, in India one can go deep into the foundations of health through yoga.

Akshara Yoga School is working to aware the world for the benefits of yoga and making our students to know how to get best our of life with yoga.

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Best Yoga School

What is the best Yoga  School?

These days yoga schools are coming up everywhere like never before. Many schools across the world are highlighting their yoga certification program to become a certified yoga teacher from the respective school. With so many styles and traditions of yoga in the offering, it can become a difficult task for beginners to pick the right school for themselves. You can look at the following points while picking the best yoga school of your choice.
Yoga Teacher Training
What is the best yoga school?


It is not only to possess yoga professional degree or certification by the faculty but also the natural urge in the teacher to imbibe the yogic principles in one’s life, which are clearly reflective in the teacher’s personality.  Such a teacher can relate his own inner yogic experiences with the classroom teaching. At Akshara Yoga School we ensure that you are surrounded by teachers who have strong feeling and commitment for Yoga.
Yoga Day 2016
Profession of Akshara Yoga School on Yoga Day 2016, teaching Yoga on International Platform


The schools natural environment can make a great impact on one’s learning and experience. Yoga which stands for harmony between man and nature, its lessons can be best assimilated when there is tuning with the nature. Akshara Yoga School boasts for its one of the best locations in India, situated on agriculture farm in the foothills of Himalayas.
Natural environment for yoga
Experiencing Nature and living

Land of origin: every kind of knowledge is rooted to a certain land. Any art or science is best learned at its homeland. Yoga originated in India thousands of years ago and resonates in its soil. India is the home of Yoga, an ancient spiritual science which enables the person to surmount the physical world and comprehend divinity. No doubt, Akshara Yoga School is located in India for you to have the real sense of yoga.
Best yoga school in India
Akshara Yoga School


Though yoga belongs to spiritual domain, however you need to buy and register for the course in advance and have to go through the similar experience of buying any other consumer product. A high degree of professionalism in school’s website and a professional conduct by the staff during initial conversations, can talk a great deal about the forthcoming experience that you will get once you arrive at the school.

Yoga style

Check for the yoga style in which the school offers their certification. See whether the style offered by the school goes well with your personal taste and philosophy.  Note that Hatha Yoga is the basic and traditional yoga style practiced for centuries and all contemporary styles of Yoga owes their existence to Hatha Yoga. At Akshara Yoga School we offer an exhaustive certification in Hatha Yoga.

After looking at these factors you will surely get the feeling of ‘this is the school’ for me. After this you are only few steps away for a memorable yoga experience.

To learn more about yoga and how its important in our day to day life click here

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