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How to Introduce Yoga into Our Life

How to Introduce Yoga into Our Life

Yoga is a psycho-physiological activity which involves a combination of bodily postures along with psychological and mental processes. The aim of all yogic practices is to turn our consciousness inwards to achieve a state of concentration and inner calmness. Yoga works in a systematic way to achieve a state of well-being and calmness. At Akshara Yoga School we are committed to offer Yoga based on its principles for its easy introduction into one’s life. We can enumerate the principles of yogic intervention in the following sequence.

benefits of Yoga

1.      Purification (Shodhan): though yoga is a discipline of mind, however in order to purify the mind it is necessary for the body to go under purification. With the purification of body, the energy blocks are released and various body systems are properly maintained and harmonized.

2.      Diet modification (Ahara):  Yoga emphasizes on mitahara, which are related to quality and quantity of food and also the state of mind during the intake of food. Food should be light and freshly cooked. Mitahara also advocates that the food should be eaten with positive state of mind with utmost concentration.
Healthy yoga

3.      Postural modification (Asana): while training the mind it is essential to be able to assume a stable and agreeable position, so that the mind is free from bodily interference. Therefore asana develops the ability to overcome the urge that compels us to move or change position. It brings stability in body. http://aksharayogaschool.com/

4.      Relaxation (Vihara): relaxation can be brought about by recreation and creative activities. These activities bring joy and happiness. There are also specific relaxative asanas such as shavasana and makarasana which remove tension and bring physical and mental relaxation. http://aksharayogaschool.com/yoga-vacation/

Yoga ttc

5.      Breath modification (Pranayama): through breath modification we regulate the breath and its rhythm by slowing it down. There is a close connection between the flow of respiration and the dynamics of mind. With slow breath mind achieves the capacity to concentrate.
6.      Concentration (Dharana): concentration brings “one-pointedness” of mind on a chosen object focused upon internally. It helps the mind in penetrating the essence of the object and grasp its nature internally.

7.      Meditation (Dhyana): when concentration is spontaneous it turns into meditation. In this stage there is an effortless flow of the object of concentration. This enables the mind for supra-sensory cognition of object to know its underlying Reality. In this stage the mind is absolutely calm.

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Benefits of Yoga in Our daily

Yoga in Our Daily Life

Whether it is good physical health, mental alacrity, emotional balance, freedom from stress or good interpersonal relations, Yoga has almost everything on offer. In today’s fast life Yoga has become all the more important because of our exposure to various stresses and hazards with very little or no time to recuperate from its after-effects. Some of the benefits of Yoga in our daily life are:

Best Yoga school in India

Complete Health

health is the greatest wealth. Good physical and mental health is indispensable for fulfillment of worldly desires and achievement of goals. One also needs good health for spiritual orientation. Thus, on the plank of perfect health one balances the two dimensions of life i.e. spiritual and secular.

Visit our site to know more about yoga  and yoga teacher training course Click here

Improved Immunity

various Yoga techniques like asana, pranayama, meditation, boost immunity by improving the blood circulation and flushing out the toxins from the body. Yoga improves assimilation of nutrients, elimination of wastes and invokes vital energy. All contributes to the improvement in immunity, helping us to stay healthy.
Daily life yoga

Stress Release

one of the greatest contributions of Yoga in modern life is its concrete solutions to the problem of stress. Yoga equips an individual with ready to use skills to fight stress through its holistic knowledge of mind and body. In the absence of stress an individual is relaxed at body and alert at mind.


Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline which improves our power of intuition.  Yoga checks our predisposition on left brain hemisphere for solving life problems and activates the right brain hemisphere for intuitive ability.  With intuition comes the spontaneity in thought and action, which reduces constraints and tensions.

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Broad Outlook

Yoga broadens one’s outlook in life to better deal with ever-changing external situations. It breaks the rigid intellectual boundaries and makes one more receptive to new ideas. A broad outlook in life helps a person to adapt to new situations and cope better with unfamiliar circumstances.

Visit our site to know more about yoga  Click here

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Benefits of Yoga Teacher Training in India

Akshara Yoga School presents some of the reasons for why Yoga Teacher Training in India will be a wise decision.


India has a rich culture, tradition and history of Yoga and spirituality. India will continue to be the leading destination for generations to come for offering the invaluable gift to humanity i.e. Yoga. India has the largest repositories of spiritual practices, knowledge and skills for personal growth and enrichment.

New Paradigm:

Yoga comes with the tag of holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Holistic approach to health and wellbeing envisages harmony between man and nature, body and mind, thought and action, renunciation and enjoyment. This Holistic vision is a paradigm shift from the matter-based world-view of separate parts and components to the world view of undivided wholeness. With India’s ancient lore of unity in diversity, none other than in India this new concept of wellbeing can be better appreciated.


Yoga teacher training in India is far more economical than undergoing a similar duration residential course in Europe or US. Furthermore there is no comparison in terms of better experience and in-depth learning that one receives in India for Yoga than in any other part of the world.

Yoga and Allied Sciences:

All ancient Indian sciences are rooted in Vedas. Therefore every Indian body of knowledge including Yoga has a common basis of spirituality attached to them. In India, while learning Yoga one can easily expose oneself to the allied fields of knowledge like Ayurveda or other philosophies like Vedanta founded on spirituality. 

Many Paths, but United with Goal:

Yoga refers to an inner science comprising of a variety of methods through which human beings can achieve union between the body and mind to attain self-realization. Yoga works on the level of one’s will, intellect and emotion. This has given rise to four broad classification of Yoga i.e. Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga. Each system of Yoga we practice falls within the gamut of one or more of three inner faculties and all works for the integration of personality. By learning Yoga in India one has full opportunity to have complete and coherent understanding of Yoga. 

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Healthy Lifestyle that Yoga Promises

Healthy Lifestyle that Yoga Promises

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Meditation Pose Yoga Asana


Awareness is one of the key components of yoga practice. In fact, it is awareness only which gives yoga a special place among various forms of healthy lifestyle, exercise or fitness regimes. Awareness in Yoga simply means keeping track of body movements, breath, sensations and various changes that occur in body and mind while practicing Yoga which includes kriya, asana, pranayam, etc.

When we bring awareness we bring the component of mind into action. This makes yoga work on the entire personality rather than on parts or sections of one’s physicality as seen in other forms of exercise. According to Yoga, mind is all pervasive and not dependent on brain (physical part) for its existence. Mind exists independent of physical body and encompasses it all.
Akshara Yoga School's Professor on Yoga Day 2016 on International Platform

Using Awareness

The ancient Indian Yoga practice uses awareness as its tool to help settle the mind into its tranquil states. When the individual mind is clear of disturbances it regains its own serene nature and achieves harmony with the cosmic mind.  The clear mind, traversing the entire body, infuses the very basic unit of life i.e. cell with vitality and bliss. Each cell and tissue functions in harmony and exhibit orderliness when surrounded by an unperturbed mind. When billions of recharged cells work in coherence, their collective entity which we call as physical body experiences an entirely different level of health outcomes.

A simple component of awareness can easily lead to a quantum surge in healthy feeling through yoga. Therefore, the yogic way of well-being starts by acknowledging the subtler dimensions of our personality which wield powerful effect on the grosser aspect i.e. body. We can say Yoga is all about nurturing the inner dimensions of personality for apparent manifestation of health in its different facets of physical, social and spiritual well-being. Anyone can achieve this state of perfect health simply by introducing the correct method of Yoga practice in one’s daily schedule.  
Healthy Yoga
Best Yoga Pose in rising sun
Learn more about Yoga click here

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Yoga in India and health

Yoga in India and health

Best yoga School (Healthy Yoga)
Yoga in India and Health (Healthy Yoga)

Yoga is a spiritual discipline which aims for integrating the personality from lowest to the highest levels of one’s existence. From microcosm to macrocosm, from atomic to cosmic there is a sense of oneness, depicting the uniform flow of awareness. At the more apparent level yoga integrates body and mind towards an optimized life functioning.


Learning yoga in India is a unique opportunity to understand the nuances of yoga to bring out the magnificence of life. The principles of yoga are deeply rooted in Indian culture which governs the life towards creating harmony, balance, peace and nourishment in one’s own surroundings. Thus, yoga becomes a way of life which promotes conscious and not compulsive life which directly affects one’s health and well-being levels.
healthy yoga
Best Yoga School in India

Best of life

Yoga achieves this conscious living by bringing one’s awareness first to the grossest level of one’s personality i.e. body. As we begin to feel our body, yoga systematically elevates our awareness towards the finer aspects of personality like prana (vital energy) and mind. These finer aspects can be traced beyond the confines of our physical body into the outside world to give us a sense of continuity and oneness. Since everything in the universe from gross to subtle is a single continuous mass of matter, the distinctions are narrowed. What once existed in pieces and functioned in compartments, now manifests and functions as one. Yoga defines this state as samatva or evenness. At body level this samatva can be experienced as homeostasis.

Homeostasis is a state of balance within the internal environment of body, which ensures stability. Homeostasis is necessary for survival and in its absence instability and disease ensues. Thus, in India one can go deep into the foundations of health through yoga.

Akshara Yoga School is working to aware the world for the benefits of yoga and making our students to know how to get best our of life with yoga.

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Best Yoga School

What is the best Yoga  School?

These days yoga schools are coming up everywhere like never before. Many schools across the world are highlighting their yoga certification program to become a certified yoga teacher from the respective school. With so many styles and traditions of yoga in the offering, it can become a difficult task for beginners to pick the right school for themselves. You can look at the following points while picking the best yoga school of your choice.
Yoga Teacher Training
What is the best yoga school?


It is not only to possess yoga professional degree or certification by the faculty but also the natural urge in the teacher to imbibe the yogic principles in one’s life, which are clearly reflective in the teacher’s personality.  Such a teacher can relate his own inner yogic experiences with the classroom teaching. At Akshara Yoga School we ensure that you are surrounded by teachers who have strong feeling and commitment for Yoga.
Yoga Day 2016
Profession of Akshara Yoga School on Yoga Day 2016, teaching Yoga on International Platform


The schools natural environment can make a great impact on one’s learning and experience. Yoga which stands for harmony between man and nature, its lessons can be best assimilated when there is tuning with the nature. Akshara Yoga School boasts for its one of the best locations in India, situated on agriculture farm in the foothills of Himalayas.
Natural environment for yoga
Experiencing Nature and living

Land of origin: every kind of knowledge is rooted to a certain land. Any art or science is best learned at its homeland. Yoga originated in India thousands of years ago and resonates in its soil. India is the home of Yoga, an ancient spiritual science which enables the person to surmount the physical world and comprehend divinity. No doubt, Akshara Yoga School is located in India for you to have the real sense of yoga.
Best yoga school in India
Akshara Yoga School


Though yoga belongs to spiritual domain, however you need to buy and register for the course in advance and have to go through the similar experience of buying any other consumer product. A high degree of professionalism in school’s website and a professional conduct by the staff during initial conversations, can talk a great deal about the forthcoming experience that you will get once you arrive at the school.

Yoga style

Check for the yoga style in which the school offers their certification. See whether the style offered by the school goes well with your personal taste and philosophy.  Note that Hatha Yoga is the basic and traditional yoga style practiced for centuries and all contemporary styles of Yoga owes their existence to Hatha Yoga. At Akshara Yoga School we offer an exhaustive certification in Hatha Yoga.

After looking at these factors you will surely get the feeling of ‘this is the school’ for me. After this you are only few steps away for a memorable yoga experience.

To learn more about yoga and how its important in our day to day life click here

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Yoga Teacher Training: Some Close Insights

What are the requirements of a yoga teacher? When we are only teaching asana, pranayama, body work, muscle work and energy work, we need to be harmonized with our body, with our movements and our breath. But we're not controlling our minds. We are controlling the body and not the mind. We ensure that the body does the postures correctly, but the mind is free to think whatever it wants.

In addition to yoga teacher training India, teachers are given a specific Sadhana to improve their skills in teaching and to handle all their mental material. As a rule, each teacher has to write a diary in which one has to strive to imbibe and implement the yoga principles and not only do the practices alone. Choose one of the principles of yoga and work on it for a month. So, that principle becomes your Sadhana as a teacher for a month. Then choose another principle and work on it for another month, and continues to work in this way.

What are these principles? There are many teachers who know their strengths, weaknesses, ambitions and needs (SWAN). So teachers should regularly practice SWAN as Sadhana. As you prepare your classes, taking notes from books and preparing to get to the public and teach a class or lecture, you should be able to look in the newspaper and recognize who you are and where you are, and right now what that stands out in your life.

Along with this, the teacher should strive to be in a positive mental state before teaching classes. How? What not to do is get home from work, change quickly and get into a yoga class with all the stress of work, because in this way teacher is teaching students to relax while the teacher's mind is under pressure and tension.

Before giving a yoga class, the teacher must doten minutes of meditation to make sure it is in the right mental state to teach the class. In those ten minutes of meditation it must be identified with a principle of yoga and become that principle.

As a teacher, for a month practice serenity for ten minutes before your classes and then taught the class, maintaining that state of serenity. As a teacher of yoga, practice for a month the absence of vanity.

Therefore, yoga teachers must become more humble to students along with their teaching in classes. One must learn to control themselves. When we have the idea of teaching in Akshara Yoga School - yoga teacher training India, we identify with the ego. When there is identification with the ego, you cannot connect with the principles of yoga. In fact, the criterion of a yoga teacher is not telling people how to practice yoga or how to teach yoga. To be a good yoga teacher, after training you must be identified with the principles of yoga and not practical.

Teach people to practice yoga, but for you, practice yoga principles. You can only become a good yoga teacher if you train on how to control your mental agitation and your negativity.

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5 Things to Know Before You Start Yoga Teacher Training

Learning and practising yoga is one thing. If you wish to become a yoga teacher, it is a different matter altogether. As a yoga practitioner you need have only limited knowledge and physical as well as mental capabilities in order to get the hoped for benefits. A yoga teacher must have profound knowledge and wisdom besides supreme capability in yogic practices.

Here are 5 things you must know before you plan on joining yoga teacher training India at Akshara Yoga School based courses from the best yoga gurus.

A yoga teacher must be a brahmand or universe of knowledge and wisdom, especially as regards yoga and its four main branches: karma yoga, raja yoga, bhakti yoga and jnana yoga with subsects such as hatha yoga. Knowledge of karma yoga helps him become objective and dispassionate, believing in helping others without expectations of reward. Raja yoga is the science of physical and mental well being encompassing yama, niyamas, asanas, pranayama and dhyana. In order to become a yoga guru, you must first undergo yoga teacher training from a guru who is adept in all these 8 branches and become adept practitioner yourself to attain the state of Samadhi or super-consciousness. You can teach just the physical aspects in which case you would need to be physically fit and actually demonstrate even the most difficult poses but being a guru yourself helps you impart transcendental knowledge and techniques to your students. Jnana Yoga deals with knowledge which you can do without but possession of which is extremely useful in attaining greater spirituality.

Yoga poses look easy and are, if you have a flexible body but not everyone has it, especially those with deskbound jobs. You must have infinite patience and understanding to be able to teach yoga to students who might range in age from 8 to 80.

Mind body control
With practice a yoga student transitions from a being with a body and a fractured mind to a guru with a unified and harmonized mind controlling the body and keeping it in balance. You become objective and attain a state of spirituality through incessant practice under a guru when you undergo extended yoga teacher training India based institutes offer.

Yoga transcends religion
Yoga transcends religion and puts you on a higher plane as you will find when you train to become a yoga teacher in the top yoga teacher training courses. Your vision and perspective of the world, and of people, change. 

It is hard work and requires lifelong dedication
Yoga is not learnt in a day. Becoming a yoga teacher takes a life time of commitment and dedication to a way of life. You could earn money or you could just do it to spread knowledge. At that stage, it does not really matter but what does matter is you are helping people become holistically healthy.

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Yoga Teacher Training From India - The Very Best For Your Career

Teaching is a profession which needs lots of perseverance, observation and implementation of various programs and techniques. You must know it all before you want to be perfect and most sought after yoga teacher. It is a great feeling of satisfaction when you have a serious group of hungry students craving for more and to share you wisdom and knowledge with them.

The Right Time

When you want to be a yoga teacher, there are certain requisites for it. It is necessary for you to know when is the right time to opt for a teachers training program.
•    If you are comfortable with at least the basic asanas and can teach few of the advanced ones along with it, then you can consider it.
•    It is time to consider it if you have the time, finance and space to spare for yoga practice and training.
•    You must know a trainer or a studio which teaches the bulk of yoga programs, and thus, you have to do a lot of research before you choose one.
•    Be ready and be comfortable with the basic level of training first and do not make huge commitments at the onset if you are not 100 percent sure of your capability.

The Source Of Income

If you learn to teach yoga from Yoga Teacher Training India, you can be sure of a considerable amount of money through your teaching programs. There are some books and articles along with a various online website for where you can get enough help and guidance to know how you can make yoga training your source of sustenance. Do not forget the potential of the social media for this purpose.

Get Yourself Infected

Yoga classes are very infectious. When you get hooked to Aksharayogaschool.com Yoga Teacher TrainingIndia and the more you practice, you tend to love it all the more as you start to get the benefits of successful yoga teacher training India. You get to know the history of yoga better, feel the strong bondage with you and the super power through deeper practice.

Things To Know
When you undergo a training program, you come to know of many things which are beneficial to you in the long run.
•    You get to know the ancient lineage and the history behind it.
•    All the postures with the correct methods are taught to you along with their Sanskrit names and meanings.
•    The know-how of self-practice methods with proper breathing and meditation techniques are taught.
•    You also come to know of Ayurveda, which is essential for yoga training programs.

See What You Get

There are different levels of yoga training programs and certification. It can vary from a 30 days span to even a year or so of training. For beginners, you can choose a 200 hours certification program. After that, you get a 300 hours training with specifications like exercises for back pain, restorative yoga, pre-natal yoga and much more. There is one for everyone and you must take the time to do some research and go for it.

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Is it that you experience pain in your knee joint / wrists / shoulders / when you try doing rather trivial things? And has such joint pains been keeping you from enjoying your life to the fullest? Have you become weary of having pain killers several times in a day?

If all these are true in your life it is only natural to say that you’ve had more than enough and are enthusiastic by bringing your relationship with such pain to an end. As a person become older the possibilities of aches in their joints increase. A feeble bone make-up, lack of ample bodily exercises and also the lack of vital nutrients in your daily diet can be a factor in this situation and can also make the situation worse. Despite the fact that medication does help in making the pain less, substitute of time-tested techniques like yoga is able to make the process of doing away with the tenderness altogether faster and safer. Yoga happens to be a very old Indian practice that is an effective way of uprooting the tenderness, toning the body and calming the mind.

Yoga Schools in India

Fundamental Yoga Postures that are going to cure Your Joints and make them stronger

All of these postures are taught at the leading yoga schools in India.
Aksharayogaschool - yoga schools in India is among the finest of such schools where all such stances are taught.


This is a knee reinforcing yoga pose that is also helpful to all those who are victims of frozen shoulders. It moreover eases stress from one’s shoulders and makes one stable.


What this pose, also known as Bow pose does, is open one’s shoulders and alleviates the tenderness on them. This is a pose that also makes one’s back more flexible and lessens one’s stress and weariness.

Setu Bandhasana

This pose, which is also known as Bridge pose aids in strengthening muscles of one’s knee joint. It is also of help to all the people who are victims of osteoporosis. Another benefit of this is that it makes the brain calm and reduces nervousness and stress in one’s body.

Yoga Schools in India

This is also referred to as the Triangle pose and it makes one’s knees, legs and ankles stronger. Another benefit of this is that it extends and opens the groin, hamstrings, and hips. This also alleviates one of sciatica and pain in the back.

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Also known as camel stance this is a really effective back ache work out and shoulder reinforcing yoga stance. Other benefits of this yoga, it makes one’s spine more flexible, makes one’s posture a great deal better and alleviates one of pain in his/her lower back.

Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana

Also known as the Dolphin Plank stance this is of help in stretching the shoulders as well as the hamstrings. Other benefits of this, it makes one's wrists, legs and arms stronger even as it alleviates one fatigue and pain in the back. This is one that has also been known to help in the prevention of osteoporosis.

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10 Tips on picking a Yoga Retreat India

If you sense the requirement of refreshing your spirit, reigniting the passion you have for living and rediscovering the equilibrium in your life a yoga retreat is just what you require. In the section below are some considerations while picking a yoga retreat.


Yoga Retreat India can be found countrywide and are presented worldwide. Pick a preferred place you like or visit a place that you are keen on finding out about. Is it that you are a city person or is it that you’re a nature person? If you love exploring arts, culture, & monuments consider places such as Paris, Tuscany, / Spain. If you like being on a temperate and sun-drenched beach you must try and visit locations such as Hawaii / Mexico.

In the same way, if you are not that fond of bugs/ humidity you should avoid going to Costa Rica’s rainforest. If you candidly get pleasure from the comfort of lofty thread count sheets & a comfy bed, a place to consider would be Sonoma, or any of the plush retreat centers. If you are not that fond of camping you must visit a pastoral retreat. Consider just how exotic you would like the place to be.

Opting to a Teacher, Teach & Guide

You must know the tutor directing the retreat, such as the number of years for which they have been guiding minute group vacations and also teaching yoga. Never hesitate asking for testimonials of clients. If you are already aware of the educator from your home studio / workshop circuit, reflect whether this is a person you wish learning from when you’re not in the studio setting. Aksharayogaschool- Yoga Retreat India is one such place.


Do you have a feeling that you are safe, assisted and looked after? Do you think that there are more things that they can teach once the 60-minute schedule is over? Has the tutor been to the place before? What’s the amount of experience they’ve with the language, culture and activities of that retreat hub, nation and site?

Theme/ Focus of Retreat

If it so happens that a retreat is founded on life lessons and individual growth but you’re trying to find exercise & physical activity then such a place is not right for you. If it so happens that you’re seeking tranquility and the agenda seems intense with continuous bodily activity you should continue your hunt.

You should try and know your intentions from such an experience. It could be that you wish giving direction to your life, wish losing some weight, letting go of elderly emotions that do not serve you any more, making fresh friends and more. Try to go through the descriptions of the retreat premises vigilantly and locate the one speaking the most on what you’re seeking. The focus of this retreat is going to assemble like-minded individuals so that you will discover a feeling of association to others, which will augment an unbelievable experience.



The best way of managing your budget is by seeking retreats have nearly everything except for airfare.

Timing & Duration

You are free to pick anywhere that range from a weekend of a couple of nights to over 10 days.

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